Tabs! :D

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Because I am absolutely insane I have decided that I am going to (attempt) to write ten novels in a year. They will be first drafts, so some of them will be grossgarbage, but some of them will be VICTORIES! And so one of the ways I figure I can keep myself on track would be to blog about it, because I know someone somewhere could actually read this, and laugh at my face if I FAIL. And yes. That's all it takes to make me not want to fail.

For reals. My mum read one of the books I finished, (Blackburn's Prisoner) and it has a cliffhanger ending, and she was sooooooo super uber mad that I hadn't finished the sequel yet. So, being a loving mum, and being the kind of woman that knows her children, she told me that if I finish the sequel in February she will give me a piece of paper that says: "You win!" and if I don't finish it, she will give me a paper that says: "You fail." <-- Such a thing would make me cry. I'm already feeling the pressure. (In some sadistic way it's GREAT and in some normal way it's disturbing.)

Then, of course, she says: "As long as it doesn't disrupt your school." Psha! I wrote the first one for NanoWriMo (which is amazing and you should totally look them up), in November, nearing finals, having many papers to write. And I survived!

So I was trying to decide between Pixie Princess and Luperin when I realized: "HOLY AVOCADOS and BROCCOLI! Tomorrow is the LAST stinking day of December. Gah!" I screamed "ahh" to my mum, and she ignored me. (This is normal behavior for me, to scream randomly.) So now I must decide what book to write.

Here is the problem:
I love Pixie Princess. It is the most fun to write, EVER. She is so hilariously obsessed with how she looks, and she's living underground with Dwarves. (Do NOT steal this idea, I swear I will win in court. So many people know I'm writing this book, and they can vouch for me, and I've already created a good amount of a Dwarven language among other things.)

But then there is my Haunbrinth series, which the fourth book is based on a real building that exists and I live near! (That sentence really makes no sense, but I don't really care right this second.) (Okay, shut up, I do.)

But then there is my Haunbrinth series. I've finished the first one and most of the second one, but I've written practically none of the third one, and the fourth one is based on an old building by where I live. (See? That sentence makes a little bit more sense. Doesn't it?) And that building is about to be torn down. NO! If I was mad rich I would buy the property, the building, and still tear it down, but build a new near-identical one in its place, and then start like a publishing company, or have some sort of art centre in its place. (Yes, centre, because that is more artsy.)

Just look at this super amazing old building:

I love it and I will be sad if it is destroyed forever, with no remnant of memory! Or something dramatic like that. It is all very sad, and I will be intensely mad if they make it a baseball field. There are already like, 15, baseball fields in that city. (I'm not even kidding you.) I think they should make an arts centre, because there are loads of musical, artistical, theatre-minded people out there, especially in our area, and they don't have a place to go to for help. Not really. And schools struggle to help them, because the first thing to be cut is the arts. Gah!

Anyway. End rant.

So I can't decide whether to do Pixie Princess, or to work on both Luperin and Shimmers, or whether I should do Pixie Princess for the first half of January, and then in the second half just skip to the fourth book Roots and do that one. I have no idea, but I'm realizing I need to decide by tomorrow. Agh! I am not prepared.

P.S. I named this post BAM because it stands for Book A Month. Just so you know.


BlackRoseofLight94 said...

wow... I feel likea creeper at themoment. you do pics and I do blogs. =]

anyway... Now I have to know which book you chose. And if you already answered that in another post, well, I am technically not supposed to even be reading blogs! Yeah... your blog apparently now constitutes current events. International current events.

Unknown said...

Oh, yes. My blog is definitely about current events. And not only international, but inter-dimensional. I'm sure. Somewhere.

I mentioned sporks once I think. That's international, right?