Tabs! :D

Monday, February 8, 2010


This has not been a particularly good past week. And this week is promising exuberantly that it will be the
same kinda of drag-your-feet-suck-in-your-breath-and-grimace kind of a week. Why? My word count has stayed evenly at 10,000. I still need to write 40,000 words, people! Insanity galore!!

Apparently, this thing is insane too

And if that is not the worst thing known to man I have yet to do ANY of my homework for tomorrow. Oh joy. I think I just died from happiness. NOT. Try dying from -8 on the excite-o-meter.

Me. Dead.
And I'm purple too. Weird.

So as much as I love Akkadian, Koine Greek, Screenwriting, and Storytelling in Communications... I just about want to toss all of my books into our lovely fireplace and watch them merrily burn, and THEN I want to withdraw from college (convincing them to give me my money back, of course), and THEN I am going to tell my boss I quit in a very regal mad-hatter kind of way that I have always imagined.
Whoa! It's huge!!!!

But of course, being (like my sister) the non-confrontational responsible one, I am instead going to bang my head upon this lovely desk.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I did, however, write a query letter on that Wednesday, so no one has permission to come after me with a machette. AND I am working on another query letter. It is my goal to finish Blackburn's Prisoner II and query an ageny by the end of the month. Yes. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


Joan Crawford said...

"...and watch them merrily burn"

Haha! This was a hilarious post :D I am sorry you are having a bad week(s) - I think maybe hugging or beating (maybe both?) that little insane shrimp pillow would do you a world of good!

By the way, I commented on an old post of yours about cookies. I found a really cute mistake :)

Rebecca T. said...

tell my boss I quit in a very regal mad-hatter kind of way that I have always imagined

me too! Okay, only a little bit.

Evil Blam said...

I think I just died from happiness.
Too often people pretend that this cannot happen, eh, so it is good for you to get the word ooot.
Might you now be a zuvembie like the Ms. Joan Crawfish?

Evil Blam said...

Me. Dead.
And I'm purple too. Weird.

Ooooh, pretty! But not a zuvembie, eh.
Please tell Charon that sometime we should do the lunch.
Verification word: I'll bring the bone marrow.

Unknown said...

Dead purple bodies do not do lunch.

Evil Blam said...

The lunch is not for you, eh. It is between me and Charon the ferryman, who shall be escorting your shade to the underworld.
Verification word: Stupid newlydead.

Unknown said...

Oh, yeah? Yeah, well... Fine. Charon the ferryman will probably find a way to vanquish you and then who will be laughing then?

Evil Blam said...

"Oh, yeah? Yeah, well... Fine." What a comeback, eh!
Verification word: Mmm... Sarcasm parmagiana.
PS: "In one word: I am a writer." Perhaps we count differently here in Canada, but this would appear to be four words, eh.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I noticed that the other day and was hoping no one would notice. This only proves the fact that I should NOT have been able to graduate from highschool.

One plus one = eleven! Right?

Joan Crawford said...

What a comeback, eh!

Coming from the guy who took 2 days to whip up that one ;)

Unknown said...

Oh! pwned!

Evil Blam said...

Not all of us sit around stroking ugly birds and holding parasols while waiting for electronic messaging to arrive. eh.

Unknown said...

Oh *cough, cough*

Runs to secret lair, throws ugly bird and parasol out window